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Comprehensive Competence Enhancement and Communication and Collaboration for Managers

On November 25, 2023, SINYUSNZM conducted a training session on "Comprehensive Competency Improvement and Communication and Collaboration for Managers" ......

Gathering of Minds and Working Together

The team leader is the leader of the team, is the direct leader and organizer of the production and operation activities of the team ......

Passion melts the team, cohesion accomplishes the dream

The victory of the day to seek the fragrance of the Surabaya waterfront, the boundless light of a new moment ...... 

Focusing on the Future and Moving Forward with Confidence-Teachers from the College of Science and Technology of Nanchang University came to our company to visit and exchange ideas.

On the afternoon of February 22, Wang Hong, Director of the Employment Office of the College of Science and Technology of Nanchang University, and Mr. Jiang Ling ......

With great power comes great responsibility.

 December 19 at noon just after lunch, accompanied by a siren a large truck into the factory parked in front of the company hall ......

Congratulations to SINYUSNZM on its successful GEM listing!

 On December 15, 2022, Ningbo SINYUSNZM Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully listed on GEM ......

Dingdong ...... Dingdong birthday wishes please check! -- Remembering SINYUSNZM

As the winter months fade away, so does the gloom of the epidemic ...... 

A letter of thanks to all SINYUSNZM people

A letter of thanks to all SINYUSNZM people……

Implanted business etiquette is in session!

In order to further shape the personal professional image of the company‘s functional staff ......

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