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Die casting
Magnesium Alloy
Magnesium is the most misunderstood element in structural metals. It has great advantages in practical applications. The most common applications are in automotive structural parts, consumer electronics and handheld power tools.

Magnesium is the lightest structural metal in nature. It also has the ease of machining of metals and is the third largest element on the planet. The supply chain risk is extremely low and price fluctuations are small.

Compared with low-alloy steel and A380 aluminum, modern magnesium alloys provide higher cleanliness in the alloy composition, enabling magnesium to obtain an excellent corrosion rate in the ASTM B-117 salt spray test. Galvanic corrosion is the design focus of magnesium, but our 25 years of application knowledge and our resource acquisition capabilities in the pretreatment, coating and fastener industries ensure that our customers can obtain stable casting quality by choosing different processes.

Magnesium alloys are 33% lighter than most aluminum alloys.

Magnesium alloys are 75% lighter than most steels.

Compared with aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy has better damping performance and anti-electromagnetic interference.

Magnesium alloys are 5 to 10 times harder than most plastics and have a density comparable to highly glass-filled resins.

The processing of magnesium alloy is almost the same as that of other metals.

Compared with aluminum alloy die-casting molds, magnesium alloy die-casting molds can extend the use life of the mold by 50%, thereby reducing the cost of mold replacement.

Magnesium Alloy Grades

AZ91D is the main force in the magnesium die-casting industry, used in about 90% of all applications, and has excellent physical properties, excellent castability, and performs well in most applications.

AM50 and AM60 alloys have relatively lower hardness and yield strength, but have relatively higher ductility. They are usually used in products that do not require high hardness but have higher requirements for elongation.

We can work closely with your design and material teams to select the right alloy for the application.

Major equipment

Describe Brand Quantity
Cold chamber die casting 300 ton - 2500 ton YIZUMI 23
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